Body Treatments
At Ave Wellness and Rejuvenation, we specialize in technology-driven solutions using non-invasive, no downtime, safe and generally very pleasant treatments to assist all body types and ages.
VelaShape® is a non-invasive body contouring treatment for circumferential and cellulite reduction*. VelaShape® enables you to successfully achieve a toned, contoured and well shaped body.
PDO EuroThreads can used to tighten sagging skin on the stomach, buttocks, back, inner thighs, knees and upper arms. They can also be used to treat cellulite, scars and stretch marks.
Muscle Stimulation
Do you want to increase the muscle tone of your abs, thighs, and buttocks, but your workouts aren’t delivering results?
It might be time to consider Usculpt This personalized muscle-sculpting treatment targets up to four areas in quick 45-minute sessions. To get the toned, sculpted look you’ve always wanted. It is recommended to have 6 initial treatments within 2-3 weeks, then maintenance treatments once every 1 to 4 months depending on what results you would like to achieve. This is a comfortable, safe, and effective technology. Treatment is non-invasive, requires no recovery time, and patients are able to immediately return to normal activities.
Laser Vein
Laser vein treatment is a procedure used to reduce and eliminate the appearance of unsightly spider veins and broken capillaries on the face and body. Treatments are spaced out every 4 weeks, take 15 minutes and are virtually painless.
Sculptra® Butt Lift
A Sculptra® Butt Lift is a non-surgical treatment to boost the buttocks’ contours, shape, and projection. Because of growing awareness and demand for a rounder, lifted butt, thousands of patients have turned to procedures like Sculptra Butt Lift to obtain a more attractive bottom. With only a series of simple injections into the butt, patients can see a remarkable lift to the position and shape of their behind.
the only non-surgical body contouring treatment that freezes and eliminates naturally stubborn fat from your body. It’s FDA approved, safe and proven effective.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation
If you have any questions about our laser and skin care services or would like to learn more about our complimentary consultation, contact us today.